November 13-27, 2022
41st Annual Hebraica
Maccabi Games
Dear Maccabi Games Participants:
Our Maccabi Games are entering another milestone…This year, we will be celebrating the 41st anniversary of our spectacular Games here in Miami.
From its beginnings with 200 athletes who were now calling America their home, the Games have morphed 10 times in numbers to become the largest annual Jewish athletic event of its kind in the United States.
Who would have thought back then that these Games would have continued from generation to generation–from its earliest participants planting the seeds for their children to nurture and grow…and now passing that legacy along for their children’s children to inherit.
For this special anniversary, we turn to you to lend your support as a 41st Annual Maccabi Games sponsor.
- Hebraica Office
- (305) 932-4200 x139
- (305) 932-4200 x119
Hebraica Co-Chairs: Mindy Hardoon • Monica Sichel
Maccabi Games Co-Chairs: Helen Beda • Rully Moskovitz
Honorary Chairs: Isail Wagenberg • Salo Wagenberg
For four decades, we have had the opportunity to bring our community together to share in an intergenerational experience.
The MARJCC Hebraica Maccabi Games is an Olympic-style sporting competition. This week-long athletic event historically features over 700 competitive games in 13 different sports, including basketball, swimming, track and field, golf, tennis, soccer, volleyball, flag football, chess, dominos, and more.
Historically, the Games have attracted approximately 2200 registered athletes and up to 4,000 daily spectators. The games are divided into eight teams named after participants countries of origin.
To attain our goals, we request you review our sponsorship opportunities and become one of our financial supporters. Your generosity supports an important community event serving our South Florida community.
Maccabi Games Registration
Early MARJCC Members Registration: Monday, August 8, 2022
Early Non-Members Registration: Monday, August 15, 2022
Maccabi games special events
T-shirt Distribution: 11/6/2022
Opening Ceremony: 11/13/2022
Dance Competition: 11/17/2022